The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 98)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 98)
upon 1880 as a juncture in the process. However, for our purpose of providing a
contrast with the Mandate period, a brief account of population growth and
urbanization is sufficient.
2.2.1 1850s-1880
Although it is impossible to know with exactitude the population of
Palestine around this time period, McCarthy’s projections and corrections of
Ottoman data, Scholch’s critical analysis of Ottoman figures, European consular
estimates, and calculations of other writers provide us with meaningful numbers.
For 1850-1865, Scholch calculates the total population of Palestine to be
350,000-360,000. For 1882, he estimates the population to be 460,000-470,000,
excluding Bedouins.”? McCarthy derives comparable figures.°° He computes a
total of 340,000 for 1850-1851 and 369,000 for 1860-1861. For 1981-1982 and
1982-1983, he computes a total of 462,465 and 468,089, respectively.
Simultaneously, there was a two-thirds growth in the size of Palestinian
cities.*' The population of the cities represented 25-30 percent of the total
population, a considerable proportion at the time, when compared to other
*°Scholch, 19-43; the results are summarized in Table 15, 40.
Justin McCarthy, The Population of Palestine, Population History and
Statistics of the Late Ottoman Period and the Mandate (New York: Columbia
University Press, 1990). His findings are summarized in Table 1.4D, 10.
3'Calculated from estimates as reproduced in Scholch, 38, from Yehoshua Ben-
Arieh, “The Population of the Large Towns During the First Eighty Years of the
Nineteenth Century, According to Western Sources,” in Studies on Palestine
During the Ottoman Period, ed. Moshe Ma’oz (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1975),
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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