The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 107)
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- The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 107)
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the increase in agricultural production, population and urban growth, and the
increase in foreign trade. Most of the increase was related to the processing of
agricultural products and building construction.
As Scholch showed, the 1860s and the 1870s witnessed an increase in soap
production in Nablus and Gaza, the construction trade in Bethlehem and Nazareth,
weaving and cotton processing in Gaza and Nablus, glassware in Hebron, and the
production of devotional items in Bethlehem, to name the most important.** There
were neither new products introduced nor any new methods of production.”
The growth of this sector continued after the 1880s. This involved the
increase in the already existing craft manufacturing, and primarily using the same
existing production methods. Whatever motor power used was mainly used in
European (Jewish and Templar) manufacturing; and new products were confined to
wine making in Jewish and Templar enterprises and the manufacture of milling
machinery, irrigation pumps (nonmotorized), and olive oil presses in three factories
in Haifa and Jaffa.*!
The lack of Ottoman statistics on this sector is partially compensated for by
the British Palestine Census of Industries 1928, which included those industries
established before WWI. Of the latter, there were 1,236 establishments of which
Ibid., 286.
“Tbid., 167.
*Himadeh, “Industry,” 216-7.
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- The Dispossession of the Peasantry
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- Riyad Mousa
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