The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 123)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 123)
involved basic food processing and building construction. Methods and techniques
of production remained basically the same, with minor exceptions.
Nature, and most specifically the variations in annual rainfall, had a major
impact on the quantity and quality of agricultural yields. In spite of the growth in
intensive agriculture as in citrus and other cash crops, the paucity of surface water,
and the lack of technology for deep-water extraction (reflecting a peasantry with
limited resources and a lack of government help), dry farming remained the
primary method for the production of staple crops.
The incorporation of Palestine in the world capitalist market was not
preceded, accompanied, nor resulted from changes in the social relations of
production. In spite of the emergence of large-landed estates (preceding European
Jewish settlement), peasant access to land—their primary means of
production—was maintained. It is with the influx of Jewish European settlers and
their acquisition of land that the peasants’ hereditary and communal access to land
began to be threatened. The commoditization of land was the first and most
important impact of European settlement. It also signaled the beginning of the
disintegration of the traditional and communal relationship of peasant to land.
The acquisition of land by European Jewish settlers meant that, at a time of
substantial Arab population growth in predominantly agricultural Palestine, land
was being withdrawn from Arab agricultural use, thus increasing the pressure on
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Riyad Mousa


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