The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 128)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 128)
Table 3.1. Revenue, Expenditure, and Annual Balance, 1920-1921 to 1944-1945, Palestine Government
Appreciation (+)
‘UOISSILUAd JNOYWM paeyqiyod uolonpoJdad JOYUNY UUMO JYHUAdOS du} Jo UOISsILUed YM psonpoiday
Surplus (+) Depreciation (-) Accumulated
Revenue Expenditure Deficit (-) of Investments Balance
Fiscal Year (£P) (£P) (£P) (£P) (£P)
(1 July 1920-31 March 1921) 1,136,951 1,259,587 (-) 122,636 - -122,636
1921-1922 2,371,531 1,929,341 (+) 442,190 - 319,554
1922-1923 1,809,831 1,884,280 (-) 74,449 - 245,105
1923-1924 1,675,788 1,675,105 (+) 683 - 245,788
1924-1925 2,154,946 1,852,985 (+) 301,961 - 547,749
1925-1926 2,809,324 2,092,647 (+) 716,677 - 1,264,426
1926-1927 2,451,365 2,123,568 (+) 327,797 - 1,592,223
1927-1928 2,358,365 2,700,414 (-) 342,049 - 1,250,174
1928-1929 2,497,011 2,997,750 (-) 500,739 - 749,435
1929-1930 2,355,623 2,245,989 (+) 109,634 - 859,069
1930-1931 2,462,304 2,567,671 (-) 105,367 - 753,702
1931-1932 2,345,696 2,377,625 (-) 22,929 - 730,773
1932-1933 3,015,917 2,516,394 (+) 499,523 - 1,230,296
1933-1934 3,985,492 2,704,856 (+) 1,280,636 - 2,510,932
1934-1935 5,452,633 3,230,010 (+) 2,222,623 - 4,733,555 =
Riyad Mousa


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