The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 132)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 132)
Table 3.2. Wholesale Price Index (a) and Wholesale Wheat Prices (b) for Selected
Tithe Redemption £P Per
£P Per Ton Wheat as Ton Wheat as Given by
Year Whole Price Index Given as Abstracts Simpson (d)
1924 41.8 (c) 9.34
1925 44.8 16.6 13.15
1926 42.8 12.7 9.98
1927 40.60 11.52 9.07
1928 39.5 13.15
1929 36.7 10.89
1930 31 7.44
1931 28.3 6.80
1932 30.6 10.25
1933 30.1 9.53
1934 30 8.71
1941 53 11.07
1942 77.3 19.33
(a) Base year, 1920.
(b) Wholesale prices for wheat were given per 100 kilograms and converted to £P
per ton.
(c) Although no price is given in the Abstract for 1924, the Whole Price Index for
that year points to a relatively comparable price to 1925-1927.
(d) Tithe redemption prices were given per one kilo and converted to £P per ton.
Although these prices are lower than those given in the Abstract for 1925-1927,
they follow the same price movement. The discrepancy between the two sets of
prices may be because of a lack of distinction in the Abstract figures in the
variation between town and village prices. Average price for Simpson figures was
£P 10.39 per ton of wheat. Sources: Abstract, various years; Hope-Simpson
Report, 174.
Committee on the Economic Conditions of Agricuituralists in Palestine and Fiscal
Measures of Government in Relation Thereto (Jerusalem: Government of Palestine,
1930), 25 (hereafter Johnson-Crosbie Report).
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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