The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 136)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 136)
occupation, and to cover different treasury needs, the Ottoman state had raised it to
6.24 per thousand on Miri land, 16.1 per thousand on Muik land, and 14.1 per
thousand on house property.’? It has been estimated that in terms of net annual
value,’ these rates correspond to 12.5 percent of Miri land, 32.2 percent of Mulk
land, and 28.2 percent on house property."
However, what appears as excessive Ottoman rates was greatly mitigated by
the undervaluation of property. As Abcarius explains:
Assessments of the capital value of property were notoriously
underestimated and the areas recorded for taxation purposes were
seldom if ever more than a small fraction of the correct areas. Cases
have come to light where the boundaries recited in title deeds
comprised areas seventy and eighty times the area actually
Moreover, the tax was based on the capital value of properties as assessed not less
than twenty-five years earlier, sometime after the 1886 Ottoman law that stipulated
the latest werko tax.!°
The British eventually cancelled the additions to the original rates. At the
same time, new assessments, reflecting a much higher capital value of property,
was carried out when property was sold or registered.”
"Ibid., 507, 519; Survey I, 247.
This is based on an assumption of an annual net return of 5 percent.
Abcarius, “Fiscal System,” 507, 519.
'Thid., 529-30.
'Ibid., 509, 519.
bid. , 520.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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