The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 163)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 163)
of their ability to make a living from cultivation and the extent of landlessness. The
first survey was included in the Johnson-Crosbie Report, which is summarized in
Table 3.6. The survey included only villages that were primarily involved in
extensive cereal cultivation.
Thus, of the total 23,573 families, 5,477 or 23 percent lived exclusively on
their holding; the total number of owner-occupiers who also worked as laborers
was 11,156 or 47 percent, the majority of which, 8,396, owned less than one
Table 3.6. Holdings of 104 Villages According to Size and Source of Income,
Number of Families
Owner-occupiers living exclusively on
their holding:
Over 2 feddans (a) 3,873
Between 1-2 feddans 1,604
Owner-occupiers who also work as
Between 1-2 feddans 1,657
Under 1 feddan 8,396
Trees only 1,103
Laborers 6,940
Total 23,573
(a) The area of the feddan varied among subdistricts, but the report considered 120
dunums as an appropriate average; “A feddan originally represented the area that
one man could plough himself with one yoke of oxen during the course of the
course of the year.”
Source: Johnson-Crosbie Report, 21.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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