The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 173)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 173)
large holdings of the Jewish National Fund, P.I.C.A., and the Wagf would
substantially alter these numbers and show less concentration. Nonetheless, what
the survey showed was that the absolute average size of the majority of holdings
was relatively small. The average area was 45.31 dunums, but that is overestimated
because of the large holdings of the above-mentioned institutions.
The survey does not provide any figures for the landless households or the
ownership distribution of holdings. A holding may be jointly owned by more than
one household or a household may have owned more than one holding, but in
general, the survey points to a relatively high concentration of ownership. The lack
of ownership distribution is thus not helpful for a comparison with the earlier
survey in assessing the differential impact of the bad conditions of the 1930s on
peasant families. The survey does not also provide a breakdown of the nature of
holdings in terms of cereal growing or cash crops holdings. This would have
allowed us, along with ownership distribution, to categorize the income levels of
the different sectors of the rural population.
The third survey was conducted in 1944. It included five cereal-growing
villages within an area of about 25,000 dunums. The results are reproduced in
Table 3.8.
For the five villages, the size distribution of holdings is less skewed than
the earlier study, but still shows a considerable deviation from a normal
distribution. For the size of holdings up to 20 dunums, 49 percent of holdings
covered 11 percent of the total area. On the higher end, for holdings over 300
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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