The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 182)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 182)
terms of its level of development including the degree of intensification, and (c) the
various impact and change this had within the Arab peasantry.
The salient feature of the variation in growth of crops was the development
of cash crops, which accounted for the bulk of the increase both in terms of output
and value; and this is where I start the survey and interpretation of growth in crops
because cash crops, to a large extent, are the source of change in socioeconomic
relations and in techniques of production, if any.
However, before proceeding, it should be pointed out that setting 1921 as a
benchmark for comparison with later times should be qualified considering the
disruptions and destruction of WWI. It took several years for agriculture to recover
back to prewar production levels.
During the war of 1914-1918, conscription, banishment and
epidemics had disastrous effects on agriculture. The country was
depleted of its livestock; forests and olive trees had been felled for
fuel for the railways and other purposes; available grain had been
requisitioned by the Turkish army and many of the orange groves
had been ruined by inability of the growers to water the groves on
accounts of lack of fuel for driving the pumps.?
4.1 The Growth in Cash Crops
The developments in land tenure, European appropriation of land, debt
including forms of taxation, and landholding set the stage for and at the same time
accompanied the growth in cash crops. At the same time, while the increase in
production for the market could not have occurred without those developments,
Survey I, 348; also see Gurevich, Handbook, 124.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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