The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 184)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 184)
Table 4.1.A. Area Under Cultivation of Principal Crops, 1931-1945: Annual
Average in Dunums; B. Production of Principal Crops, 1920-1945: Annual
Average in Metric Tons; C. Annual Value of Principle Crop, 1937-1944, in £P
Note, Percentages do not always add up to 100 because of rounding.
(a) The category, “Barley, kersenneh, maize, oats, and ‘other’ grains,” which
comprised fodder and poultry feed is separated from green fodder specifically
grown for the dairy industry.
(b) Fruits include melons, grapes, figs, almonds, and ‘other’ fruits.
(c) Figures for 1931-1936 include barley, Himadeh, and maize only, those for
1920-1929 include barley and kersenneh only, while figures for “other grains” are
available only for 1937-1944 (before this date, it was insignificant).” The bulk of
which was for fodder, although a small part was of the human consumption kind.
(d) For 1921-1924.
(e) For 1940 and 1941 only.
(f) Includes tomatoes, cucumbers, and potatoes only.
(g) For 1931 only; derived on the basis of the estimate of 4,000,000 trees at 13
trees per dunums.
(h) Recorded figures for wheat and barley for 1942, 1943, 1944, and 1945 was an
underestimate because of compulsory distribution; but I adjusted the area figures
based on the estimate of the Department of Agriculture of 4,500,000 dunums for
wheat and barley divided equally between the two.
(i) This is the figure given in Survey J, 323.
(j) For 1937, 1938, and 1939 only.
(k) This includes exports only since figures for local consumption are available
only for 1936-1936 (1,500,000 cases), 1935-1937 (2,000,000 cases), 1937-1938
(2,000,000 cases), 1938-1939 (2,500,000 cases), 1943-1944 (3,350,000 cases),
1944-1945 (2,941,000 cases), 1945-1946 (3,000,000 cases); moreover, the lack of
complete figures have, relatively speaking, a negligible effect on value since the
local price for citrus was low; in 1946, there were approximately twenty-four acres
to the metric ton, but this figure cannot be used for all the years since size of
boxes and thus weight changed over time.
Sources: Abstract, various annual issues; Montague Brown, “Agriculture,” in
Himadeh, 123-5, 136, 139, 148-9, 151, 155-9, 163; Survey J, 312, 320, 323-5,
339, 356; Survey H, 724; E. R. Sawer, A Review of the Agricultural Situation in
Palestine (Jerusalem: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, 1923), Part IV,
Appendix II, 2; Gurevich, Handbook, 166.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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