The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 189)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 189)
As the figures show, most of the expansion in area and output of vegetables
occurred during WWII. As mentioned earlier, part of the market for vegetables
was provided by the presence of allied troops in Palestine. However, that in itself
does not explain the substantial increase in vegetable production. That also needed
the encouragement and material support of the government.
As part of its war economic measures, the government established the War
Supply Board in order “to do all things necessary to ensure that production in
Palestine is so organized as to enable the country to make the maximum possible
contribution to the war effort and to safeguard the essential needs of the
community.”* To implement this in the area of food, an ordinance was issued and
a controller appointed to regulate the trade and production of food.°
More specifically, this was translated into active government participation in
promoting agricultural production that included the production and sale, “at
nominal prices,” of 10 million in vegetable seedlings a year, the production of
vegetable seed, and the distribution of half a million chicks a year produced in
government farms. By December 1943, the government’s effort included the
import and distribution, on a “lease/land” basis, of 410 tractors, 254 plows, and
120 combine harvesters. The government also exercised control over the import of
‘Survey II, 985.
*Ibid., 996.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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