The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 190)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 190)
fertilizers and their sale at “controlled prices.”°
The figures for 1945 were divided as follows: Of the total area of 279,940
dunums cultivated with vegetables, 40,207 were Jewish and 239,733 dunums were
Arab owned, and of the total output of 244,834 tons, 55,730 were Jewish and
189,104 tons were Arab.’ Jewish vegetable output increased by about 350 percent
as compared to 1937 when output was 12,500 tons, while Arab output increased by
75 percent for the same period. Moreover, Jewish output was 10 percent of total
vegetable output in 1937 and 23 percent in 1945.° The output figures show not
only that Jewish vegetable growth was faster than the Arab one, but also that it had
greater productivity. The greater productivity was due primarily to more intensive
methods of production. Besides the institutional support provided by experimental
lab and farms, the main distinction between Jewish and Arab vegetable cultivation
is the farmer’s more intensive use of fertilizers and irrigation.
In terms of irrigation, of the total Arab vegetable area of 239,733 dunums
in 1945, only 107,053 dunums were irrigated or about 45 percent producing 64
percent of total Arab output. While of the total Jewish area of 40,207 dunums,
‘Ibid., 1030-1; the tractors and plows were distributed “practically equally”
between Arabs and Jews, and “of the 120 combine harvesters released 76 went to
Jews and 9 to Arabs.”
7Survey I, 323; for Jewish output, Gurevich, Handbook, 166, gives the figure
of 59,000 tons.
8Gurevich, Handbook, 166; Abstract 1938, 41; calculations were based on
Survey figures for the 1945 Jewish output and Gurevich’s figures for 1937.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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