The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 191)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 191)
38,329 were irrigated, or about 95 percent producing 98 percent of Jewish
Government support and the use of more intensive methods of production
led not only to a substantial increase of vegetable output, but also to a substantial
decrease in imports. This can be seen in the absolute decline of imports from a
high of 31,193 tons in 1938 to 4,919 and 9,737 tons in 1943 and 1944,
respectively, and from the decline of imports as a percentage of total vegetable
consumption. The latter went down from 22 percent in 1938 to 3 percent in 1944
(see Table 4.2).
It should be pointed out that the bulk of vegetable imports was for the use
of urban Jewish Europeans, and that between 1928 and 1941, potatoes comprised
58 percent of total vegetable imports.'° Thus, when potato production was
introduced on a large scale, it was an important factor in the reduction of total
vegetable imports. '!
The increased production of vegetables was accompanied by the
commencing of its integration with industry by the establishment of preservation
and canning enterprises. By 1943, there were six establishments with an output
valued at £P 488,000, that included fruits and vegetables, but predominantly the
"Survey I, 325-6.
Calculated from Abstract 1939, 62-3; and Abstract 1942, 46-7.
"See Kamen, 231-8, for a discussion of the evaluation of potato production as
a cash crop and the government’s effort in that regard.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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