The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 195)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 195)
vegetables.'’ In 1,929 the figure given by a publication of the Jewish agency,
which was supervised by the same statistician of the previous source for 1927, was
1,267 dunums of presumably irrigated vegetables. '®
As for output, a census of Jewish agriculture taken by the Palestine
Foundation Fund for 1926 showed no entries for vegetables in a table showing the
area and output of “principle” Jewish fruits and crops. This is in spite of the entry
for beans with a minuscule output of about 5 tons.'? By 1936, the area cultivated
with vegetables grew to 8,344 irrigated dunums. However, in spite of this growth,
Jewish European vegetable output accounted for only 12,5007° tons out of a total
of more than 120,000*' tons for the whole country.
It was only after 1939 that there was a substantial increase in Jewish
European vegetable production, with noticeable increases starting after 1936 with
the onset of the Arab revolt of 1936-1939, during which the boycott of Arab
produce was intensified. Still, by 1944-1945, Jewish European vegetable output,
excluding potatoes, satisfied only 63 percent of the settlers’ consumption needs,
while 21 percent was imported and an important 16 percent came from local Arab
"Gurevich, Handbook, 152-63.
David Gurevich, Report and General Abstract of the Census of Jewish
Agriculture, Industry, and Handicrafts, and Labor (Jerusalem: The Jewish Agency
for Palestine, 1931), Table 12, 9.
Keren Hayesod (Palestine Foundation Fund), Statistical Abstract of Palestine
(Jerusalem: Keren Hayesod, 1930), Table 54, 106.
Gurevich, Handbook, 167.
*lAbstract 1939, 39.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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