The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 206)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 206)
the government for the period 1919-1945.” In the area of taxation, the
government reduced the Rural Property Tax on citrus land by more than two thirds
for 1939-1940 and thereafter was completely exempted, while at the same time
redoubling the tax twice for all other agricultural lands between 1943 and 1945.“
Up to 1939, citrus was not only the most valuable cash crop, but also the
one with the greatest wage labor force in and out of agriculture. For the 1938-1939
season, it has been estimated that the wage labor force was 17,400 in man years
for European Jewish groves, and 20,000 man years if transportation and handling
were included. The estimate for Arab groves was about 17,000 man years.”
Another estimate for the same season put the number of wage labor in the busy
months at 19,000 in European Jewish groves, of which, 8,000 were Arab workers,
and 4,000-5,000 of the total were permanent workers. In the Arab-owned groves,
15,000 were hired for the busy months, of which 3,000-5,000 were permanent
workers. *°
The industrial processing of citrus, although relatively small, went much
further than the case of vegetables. Although its beginnings predate WWII, it was
“That amount totaled about £P 1,764,000; see Survey I, 349, 353.
“Survey I, 253-4, 355.
Nathan et al., 309, 441; Gurevich, Handbook, 183, but also see 185 for the
number of Arab and Jewish wage labor in five large European Jewish plantations.
“Survey I, 34; Rachelle Taqqu, “Peasants Into Workmen: Internal Labor
Migration and the Arab Village Community Under the Mandate,” in Palestine
Society and Politics, ed. Joel S. Migdal (Princeton: Princeton University Press,
1980), 264.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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