The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 209)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 209)
output during the war was substantial, most of the increase preceded the war.”
The greater part of the production and area cultivated with fruits was Arab
owned. By 1945, these accounted for about 92 percent of the total area, almost 88
percent of output and a 74 percent share in the value of the fruits.**
In the case of European Jewish fruits cultivation, it was highly integrated
with industry, primarily the wine-making industry. By 1945, the total European
Jewish area cultivated with fruits of about 43,000 dunums,* 18,000 dunums,™
or 42 percent were designated for the cultivation of wine grapes. The production of
wine reached 5.5 million liters for the same year, with a considerable amount
exported to the United States before the shipping shortage of WWII.*
Trade in fresh fruits mostly involved the importation of apples and the
export of melons and watermelons. Apples represented about 50 percent of the
total imports of fresh fruit,°° while at the same time, total fresh fruit imports were
Survey I, 327; Survey II, 725-6; Abstract 1939, 41; Abstract 1940, 41;
Abstract 1941, 4; Abstract 1942, 29; Abstract 1943, 72; Abstract 1944/45, 226.
Survey I, 323, 327, where numbers for melons are given separately from
fruit, but which are combined in our figures.
Thid., 323.
“Thid., 317.
Ibid., 505. For a brief historical review of the wine industry, its output,
value, and exports, see Himadeh “Industry,” 217-8, 258-60; Gurevich, Handbook,
Brown, “Agriculture,” 202; Survey I, 828.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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