The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 217)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 217)
accompanied the growth in the number of animals for those years. This will be
discussed in a separate section below.
4.1.6 Sesame
As for sesame, besides its value as a summer cash crop by providing
additional income to the grower, its cultivation, because of the requirements of
constant hoeing and weeding, and being nonsoil-depleting, results in a greater
wheat or barley crop in the next winter.**
The cultivation of sesame was also a traditional practice in Palestine. The
area devoted to its cultivation varied every year because of the variation in the
amount of rainfall. More specifically, it is the amount of rainfall in March and
April that mainly determined the area cultivated with sesame.® The deficiency in
rainfall for the seasons 1931-1932, 1932-1933, and 1933-1934* being about half
the average for the preceding seasons explains the substantial drop in output for the
1930-1934 period. Thus, given the higher level of output for the two preceding
periods, the 48 percent increase in area between 1931-1934 and 1940-1944 shown
in Table 4.1.A belies the fact that a greater area was cultivated with sesame for the
two periods preceding 1931-1934, but for which no figures are available. The
decline in area for 1945 was also because of “unfavorable planting weather. ”®’
*Thid., 133.
SThid., 46, 133.
Abstracts 1939, 9.
®7Johnson-Crosbie Report, 40.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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