The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 220)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 220)
1943, and 1944 in the amount of 124 tons, 198 tons, and 251 tons, respectively.”
The export of tahini gives more weight to the proposition that the import tax on
sesame seed imports was not protective enough. The cultivation of sesame was
confined to Arab peasants, but European Jewish farmers also avoided it because of
its labor-intensive requirements.”
4.1.7 Tobacco
Before the Mandate, the cultivation of tobacco in Palestine, as in other parts
of the Ottoman Empire, was banned except in a few villages. A license was
required for cultivation, and the manufacture and sale of tobacco products were
assigned to a monopoly, the Regie Co-Interessee des Tabacs de |’Empire
Ottoman.”® In 1921, the monopoly was abolished resulting in an increase of
output of 265 tons for that year to 694 tons in 1922.”
Up to 1938, output of tobacco was adequate for the country except for
about 10 to 15 percent of local output imported for blending.'® The annual
oscillations in output and area cultivated with tobacco were because of the growers’
adjustment to overproduction in certain years. For example, in 1937, more than
55,000 dunums were cultivated with tobacco yielding 2,500 tons that exceeded the
*Ibid., 74.
*"Hope-Simpson Report, 103; Smith, 174.
Brown, “Agriculture,” 162; Survey I, 457.
Brown, “Agriculture,” 163.
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Riyad Mousa


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