The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 221)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 221)
manufacturers’ demand and substantially reducing the price paid for tobacco
leaves. Thus, by 1939, the area cultivated with tobacco declined to a little over
15,000 dunums that yielded 523 tons.'”!
The export of tobacco was always insignificant, whereas the increase in
imports in absolute terms and relative to local output is most noticeable during the
WWII period,’” probably because of the presence of the allied troops in the
During the Mandate, not only was the cultivation of tobacco highly
regulated as in the Ottoman period, but it was also highly taxed, making it an
important source of government revenue.
In 1921, the Palestine government imposed a cultivation tax on cultivation
of £P 4 or £P 2 per dunum, the higher rate for high quality tobacco. In 1925, a
Tobacco Ordinance was promulgated that regulated and supervised the cultivation
and manufacture of tobacco. It also decreed an excise duty that replaced the per
dunum cultivation tax. The rate of excise tax was 300 mils per kilo increasing to
400 mils per kilo by 1939.’ Between 1933-1934 and 1944-1945, the share of
the excise tax on tobacco in the total government revenue varied between almost
3.5 percent and 7.5 percent, a phenomenal contribution by one crop.'™
ll Abstract 1944/45, 227.
lIbid., 67-8.
3'Survey I, 457; Abcarius, “Fiscal System,” 535.
4 Abcarius, “Fiscal System,” 530; Abstract 1944/45, 79-80.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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