The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 223)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 223)
involved in the same line of production as Jewish European ones, and the fact that
the largest tobacco factory was Arab owned (Karaman, Deck, and Salti, Ltd.),
with a capital of £P 150,000,''° were perhaps unique features in this regard.
4.2 Staple Food Crops
Finally, there was wheat and durra, which represented the main staple food
crops. Like in other predominantly agricultural societies, Palestinian Arab
peasants, relying primarily on extensive dry farming, have historically devoted a
major part of their crop land to the cultivation of high energy-yielding crops.
The area devoted to the cultivation of wheat and durra remained basically
the same, but its share of the total cultivated area declined. The 6 percent increase
in area between 1931-1934 and 1940-1944 is insignificant and somewhat
meaningless. It does not reflect a continuous increase in area since the period
1935-1939 actually had a larger area devoted to the cultivation of wheat and durra
than the period 1940-1944. This had to do with the annual variation in area
devoted to each of the different cereal crops, including barley, other grains, and
summer crops. This variation, in turn, was determined by the amount of rainfall
and the system of crop rotation.
However, more important than the lack of increase in the area culminated
with wheat and durra is that this same area had to support a much larger
population during the Mandate period. More specifically, the density of the Arab
‘OHimadeh, “Industry,” 262.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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