The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 232)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 232)
in the form of hides and skins that were sold locally or exported.'**
Similarly, animal husbandry was a significant component of the Jewish
European agricultural settlements. It was part of the modern system of mixed
farming in which the dairy industry represented the major component. By the mid-
forties, the dairy industry was second to citrus in terms of value.'* Income from
livestock as a whole comprised 50 to 60 percent of the mixed European farms.'*°
Table 4.6 reproduces the estimates of livestock for the years in which there
was an enumeration. Perhaps the most obvious observation is the wide fluctuations
in the number of sheep and goats in the 1926-1934 period and for cattle 1932-
1934. No explicit explanation is offered for these fluctuations by the official or
other resources used in this study. However, an inspection of the annual average of
rainfall showed a clear correlation between the drop in rainfall and the drop in the
number of livestock for the above years.
The case of the drop in the number of sheep from 290,900 in 1926 to
226,700 in 1928, and, from 571,300 to 367,700 in the number of goats for the
same time period, corresponds to the serious drought in the southern Beersheba
subdistrict'*’ and to the severe drop in the annual rainfall for 1927-1928 for the
whole country, which amounted to 332 millimeters as compared to the annual
Brown, “Agriculture,” 176.
Survey I, 332.
'Tbid., 334; Gurevich, Handbook, 126.
7 Survey I, 348.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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