The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 234)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 234)
average of 500 millimeters for the period 1901-1940.'** Similarly, the drop in
sheep from 252,800 to 188,300 and in goats from 440,100 to 380,500 between
1930 and 1934 corresponds to another severe drop in rainfall for the two
consecutive rain years, 1931-1932 and 1932-1933, amounting to 300 and 284
millimeters, respectively. The same applies to cattle between 1932 and 1934.
The extent of the impact of rainfall on livestock was borne out by checking
the figures for imports and exports of meat and animals for food, and the number
of animals slaughtered for the same time period.
To confirm the extent of the impact of rainfall on livestock, I checked to
see if there was any disproportionate increase in the number of animals exported or
slaughtered that would account for the decrease in the number of animals for the
same time period.
In the case of exports, which are given in terms of value, not only was
there no noticeable increase, but the absolute amounts for both meat and living
animals for food were negligible for 1926-1934.'°° However, in the case of
imports, there was a substantial increase in the value of live animals in the 1930s
as compared to the 1920s. The annual average value for live animals for food
imported for the period 1926-1929 was £P 109,438, while for 1930-1933 was £P
199,558, and for 1934-1937 was £P 640,165.'“° In terms of quantity, the annual
'38A1l rainfall averages are calculated form Abstract 1944/45, Table 5, 10.
1° Abstract 1939, 60-1.
Calculated from ibid., 58-9.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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