The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 235)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 235)
average value of sheep and goats imported was £P 109,107 for 1930-1933 and
increased to £P 310,116 for 1934-1937.'*! For cattle, there was an increase from
an annual average for 401 for 1930-1933 to an annual average of 25,976 for 1934-
1937. There were substantial increases in imports perhaps to compensate for the
decrease in livestock, especially the 1930-1934 period.
Similarly, the figures on the number of animals slaughtered from 1926 to
1934 show no disproportionate increase that may account for the decrease in the
number of live animals. '*
The dependence on rain reflects the fact that the livestock owned by the
Arab peasants were fed mainly by natural grazing, and, that, in years of low
rainfall, animals faced starvation in large numbers lacking the availability of green
fodder that, as discussed earlier, was beyond the means of the great majority of the
Palestinian Arab peasants. In more general terms, this correlation reflects the
major role that nature plays in shaping and conditioning the lives of agriculturists
who practice an extensive system of production.
In addition to the role of the amount of rainfall, it appears that the
fluctuations in the number of animals may have been affected by the periodic
outbreak of different animal diseases.'*? However, no figures are available on the
‘Calculated from ibid., 62-3; no complete figures are available for the 1926-
1929 period.
12 Abstract 1936, 33.
'8For a description of the different animal disease and efforts to control them,
see Survey I, 327-31, and Brown, “Agriculture,” 182-5.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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