The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 236)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 236)
number of animals lost to disease for different years.
Next, there is the question of whether there was an increase in the number
of animals for the whole Mandate period. In an extensive system of animal
husbandry, this would be a good indicator of the progress, or lack of, in the well-
being of people living in the rural areas.
The main noticeable increase in the number of animals can be seen from
1937 to 1942-1943, especially in the case of sheep, goats, and cattle. This increase
in noted in the Survey,“ but no appraisal was made for the whole Mandate
period. Actually, it turns out that there was a “decrease” in the number of sheep
and goats for which there are the most complete figures. This is the case simply
because before 1930 animals under one year of age were not enumerated.'*° The
animals under one year of age were not insubstantial and that can be shown by
looking at the available figures for those animals for the years after 1930. In the
case of goats, of the total number of 380,600, those under one year of age were
64,300 or 17 percent. For 1943, of the total number of 474,500, those under one
year of age were 149,100 or 31 percent.’*° If we use any one of these
percentages as a rough estimate of goats under one year of age for the period prior
to 1930, it is obvious that the total number of goats was substantially greater than
the 1942-1943 figures, especially as compared to the 1920s. In the case of sheep, a
M4Survey I, 331.
43 Abstract 1944/45, 219.
“Tbid., 235.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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