The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 237)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 237)
similar analysis shows that the figures of the mid-1920s are comparable to those of
1942-1943 if not slightly higher. As for cattle, it is not possible to judge whether it
increased or decreased given the lack of figures prior to 1930. The figures for
camels show comparability for the 1920s and the 1930s. As for the other work
animals (horses, mules, and donkeys), there are no figures prior to 1930 to make a
comparison. The only substantial increase between 1937 and 1942-1943 was in the
number of donkeys, while the number of horses declined and mules increased
This overall lack of increase in the number of animals (and in some cases
decrease) is another indicator of the worsening conditions of the majority of Arab
peasants coinciding with the other problems of falling prices, bad harvests, and
mounting debt of the 1930s discussed earlier. It 1s also another example of the
failure, because of insufficient effort and a meager allocation of resources on the
part of the government to mitigate the impact of nature on agricultural production.
Needless to say, the extent of the impact of the lack of increase in the
number of animals becomes clearer when we keep in mind the substantial increase
in the rural population. In other words, this points to the drop in the average
ownership of animals per family. We only have figures on the distribution of
ownership for two subdistricts to be discussed latter. Given that the animals fed
primarily on natural grazing, and knowing that the development of intensive animal
husbandry among Arab peasants was extremely limited, distributional changes in
ownership would have also occurred along geographical lines deriving from the
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Riyad Mousa


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