The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 240)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 240)
reference for this and only for 1937. According to this reference,'>* intensive egg
production represented a little over 12 percent (8.5 million eggs) of the total Arab
output of eggs. However, what is clear is that there was no or little increased
intensification of production between 1937 and 1942-1943 given that total Arab egg
production was 60 million in 1937 and increased to only 70 million in 1942-
1943'% in spite of the increase in the number of poultry. On the other hand,
Jewish European egg production increased from about 40 million in 1937 to about
90 million in 1942-1943, although the corresponding increase in the number of
poultry was from 530,00 to only 670, 000, which clearly shows the continued
intensification of production.
As in the case of poultry, most of the increase in milk products came from
the Jewish European mixed farms, which produced mainly for the market. The
increase was made possible by intensive methods that included the growing of
irrigated green fodder and the purchase of imported concentrated fodder.'** It
also involved the introduction of pedigree cows, cross-breeding, and the use of
stables. These methods were reflected in the continued improvement in the annual
milk yield per cow from 1,800 to 2,500 liters in 1927 to from 3,200 to 5,400 liters
in 1936.!°° At the same time, the number of cattle raised intensively increased
'2Horowitz and Hinden, 51.
S3Survey IT, 830.
4Brown, “Agriculture,” 177.
'Tbid., 178; Horowitz and Hinden, 48.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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