The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 241)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 241)
from 11,500 (of which 4,400 were thoroughbred) in 1927, to 31,300 (of which
30,500 were thoroughbred) in 1945. As for output, it increased from 33 million
litters in 1937 to 73 million liters in 1945.'°° This included the production of
butter, yogurt, and cheese for the market. Of the total output of milk and milk
products, 75 to 80 percent were sold on the market.'’
Unlike the Jewish European production of milk, which predominantly came
from cows since they raised a relatively small number of goats and sheep, about
half of the Arab output of milk came from sheep and goats. The extensive raising
of cows meant a low rate of production: Most cows owned by Arabs produced
only fifty liters of milk annually, while better breeds produced between 500 and
700 liters.'°* Figures for the total output of Arab-produced milk are available for
only two years: 60 million and 75 million liters for 1937 and 1945,
respectively.'"’ These two figures by themselves do not necessary mean that
there was an increase in the production of milk given that, as observed by the
survey, “annual production varies widely from year to year as the food of the
animals is almost entirely natural grazing,” which, in turn, depends on the amounts
of rainfall each year.’
SH orowitz and Hinden, 48; Gurevich, Handbook, 167; Survey I, 333; Brown,
“Agriculture,” 178, gives an estimate of 36 million liters for 1937.
'7Gurevich, Handbook, 167; Survey I, 336.
8Brown, “Agriculture,” 178.
°Brown, “Agriculture,” 178; Horowitz and Hinden, 48; Survey I, 333.
100 Survey I, ibid.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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