The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 242)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 242)
We do not have figures for the number of cattle prior to 1930 and thus
cannot estimate the output of milk. If we reason that the same general conditions
prevailed in the case of cattle as that of sheep and goats, we may conclude that if
there was any increase in the number of cattle, and thus of milk production after
1930, it would have been insubstantial. Most of the output, in the form of milk and
milk products, was consumed by the producers. Less than 8 percent'®! was
marketed in the form of samn (a form of butter), yogurt, and cheese. This
marketing was primarily in February, March, and April G.e., right after the rainy
season), another fact that reflects the dependence of the animals on natural grazing.
4.4 Conclusion
In conclusion, although there was substantial increase in agricultural
production, accompanied by an increase in wage labor, it was very uneven at
different levels: (a) between European settlers and indigenous agriculture in terms
of the rate of increase in production and productivity, (b) within the different strata
of the Arab cultivators, and (c) within crops with cash crops becoming dominant in
terms of value of output.
With time, Palestinian agriculture became more integrated with the world
market, which also increased its vulnerability to international prices. The
dependence on a single commodity (citrus) for export heightened this vulnerability.
''Calculated from Brown, “Agriculture,” 178.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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