The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 245)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 245)
This chapter surveys the extent of changes in the techniques of production
and whether they accompanied the increase in cash cropping, the impact it had on
agricultural production as a whole, and the various developments in Arab and
European production. The areas surveyed include mechanization, irrigation,
fertilizers, crop rotation and the cultivation of green fodder, seed improvement,
and the development of skills.
5.1 Mechanization
There are no detailed or specific data or much written about the
mechanization of agriculture in Palestine during the Mandate period. What are
available are primarily general statements juxtaposing the highly mechanized
European farmers, in relative terms, to the mainly traditional Arab agricultural
practices. However, there is enough information direct and deduced that puts this
general picture into more focus. The machinery investigated includes heavy
machinery such as tractors and combines, but also irrigation pumps and incubators
and brooders used in poultry farming.
In the case of tractors, government figures show that tractors increased
from 40 in 1921 to 500 in 1940 of which 50 were Arab owned, the rest owned by
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Riyad Mousa


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