The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 250)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 250)
In 1930, the first year in which electric power for irrigation had a separate
entry in government statistics, only 1,727,132 kilowatt hours (kWh) were used. By
1939, electric power sold for irrigation increased to 28,504,000 kWh. Most of this
power was used in the irrigation of citrus orchards. During the war years, it
continuously increased so that by 1944 it reached 49,965,000 kWh.!!
The latter increase in the use of electric power can be chiefly explained by
the increase of irrigated vegetables and fodder for the dairy industry’ since the
citrus area actually somewhat declined during the war. The increase in the use of
electric power for irrigation and in the output and area of irrigated vegetables and
fodder clearly show the substantial increase in the use of electric pumps, especially
during the war years. No other information can be inferred about the electric
pumps in terms of their extent, numbers, or horsepower.
Finally, there was the mechanization in poultry farming. This involved the
use of electric incubators and brooders in egg production. Again, there are no
direct figures on the number of incubators and brooders used. However, from the
available information on production figures and the nature of the production of
eggs, we can infer the general extent of and the increase in the use of these
machines, both of which grew substantially during the war years.
‘Abstract 1940, Table 199, 169; and Abstract 1944-1945, Table 65, 269.
"On the extent of growth in area and output of vegetables and fodder, see
Table 4.1.A and Table 4.1.B.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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