The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 257)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 257)
primarily by citrus grove owners and large landowners. Moreover, the use of
chemical fertilizers necessitated a change in technique,” which involved
additional costs. Specifically, it was the costs of irrigation that is required when
fertilizers are used.
The use of natural manure was a centuries old practice in Palestine as was
the case around the world. In Palestine, it has been noted that the collection and
sale of manure by “Bedouins, shepherds, and landless peasants” to citrus grove
owners reduced the supply available for other uses in the 1930s.*? However, it is
not clear as to what extent this practice had on noncitrus agriculture.
The supply of manure was also reduced because of its use, in dry form, as
fuel. During WWII, and although the demand for the citrus groves declined, the
1944-1945 Department of Agriculture’s annual report noted that there was a
“serious shortage” in manure because of its use as fuel.*? This was most probably
because of the substantial increase in the prices of charcoal and kerosene, both of
which constituted the chief sources of fuel for peasant households.*!
The persistence and apparent increase in the use of manure as fuel was
perhaps another indicator that the benefits deriving from economic expansion and
Kamen, 239.
**Department of Agriculture, Annual Report, 1934, 24, as cited by Kamen,
Kamen, ibid.
fn the early years of WWII, the price of kerosene increased by 40 percent,
while throughout the war the price of charcoal increased by 150 percent, see S. A.
1944/45, 112.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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