The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 258)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 258)
increase in agricultural prices during WWII was much more uneven than was
thought by the government and some contemporary and later writers.
3.4 Crop Rotation and Fodder
Compared with other countries in the region and the world, cereal
cultivation in Palestine was known for its low yields. This was due not only to
climatic and soil conditions, but also to the lack of irrigation, fertilizers, or
appropriate crop rotation. For wheat, output per dunum was less than half that of
Syria and less than one-fifth that of Egypt. Similar comparisons were obtained for
other countries outside the region.” In the absence of intensive methods, crop
rotation becomes crucial for increasing the yields.
It appears that throughout the 1920s, a two-year rotation was the most
common. Simpson describes it in these words:
The holding is divided into two areas. In one of the areas [the
peasant] sows his winter crops [in November or December], while
the other lies fallow. In this portion in the spring [April], the
summer crop is sown; in the former portion after reaping the winter
crops in May and June, the land lies fallow until the following
spring, when the summer crops are sown [in August]. In the latter
portion, after the reaping of the summer crop, the winter crop is at
once sown. Thus in each portion two crops, one summer and one
winter, are taken in two years.*
This system of rotation allows for each field eight to nine months of fallow
in one year and only two to three months in the next year. No field is left fallow
Nathan et al., 458.
Hope-Simpson Report, 66.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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