The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 262)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 262)
5.6 The Development of Skills
The development of skills primarily involved the establishment of
agricultural schools, but included demonstration plots and was complemented by
agricultural research.
The government established two agricultural schools, one for Arabs and one
for Jews, not with its own funds, but from the bequest of Sir Ellis Kadoorie, an
Iraqi Jewish philanthropist.** The government planned to establish one school for
Arabs and Jews, but founded two after strong opposition from the Jewish
Agency.” Each of the schools accommodated a small number of students.“*
There were also private agricultural schools. In 1936, there were six private
Jewish agricultural schools, but were supported by Zionist funds and scientific
institutions. These schools had a total of 745 students. For Arabs, there were three
private orphanages supported by Catholic institutions, with a total of 119
agricultural students and with fewer financial resources than the Jewish schools.”
By 1943-1944, the Jewish European agricultural schools grew to seventeen” with
a total of 4,055 students.*” For Arabs, it seems that the number of schools and
“Brown, “Agriculture,” 186; Smith, 60.
Smith, 60.
“Brown, “Agriculture,” 186; Survey I, 347.
“Brown, “Agriculture,” 186-7.
‘Survey I, 657.
“Ibid. , 667-8.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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