The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 273)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 273)
There are no detailed data on rural households that would allow a precise
quantification of the different strata of the peasantry. However, sufficient
information is available, including that on landholdings, wage labor, and the
growth in agricultural production, to provide a satisfactory basis for establishing
unmistakable inferences about the differentiation among the peasantry. This is, of
course, in line with the Marxist approach that delineates the class composition of a
society (i.e., the specification of the ownership of the means of production and the
exploitation of labor). Specifically, Utsa Patnaik’s approach to an analysis of
differentiation among the peasantry in India is used.'° The applicability of this
approach to conditions in Palestine will become apparent.
In Chapter 3, the relatively high concentration of land ownership was
established. However, a more complete picture of differentiation requires the
consideration of access to other means of production, the characteristics of the
holding and of the household. It also requires an examination of the available
means of consumption (e.g., livestock and the extent it contributes to subsistence).
As in landholdings, access to other means of production was also highly
unequal. In the case of machinery, it was primarily used by those involved in cash
cropping because of its prohibitive cost. This primarily meant those involved in
citrus plantations, intensive vegetable cultivation, and, to a lesser extent, modern
'Utsa Patnaik, “Class Differentiation Within the Peasantry: An Approach to
the Analysis of Indian Agriculture,” Economic and Political Weekly 11, no. 39
(September 1976): A82-A101; idem, Peasant Class Differentiation: A Study in
Method With Reference to Haryana (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1987).
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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