The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 274)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 274)
poultry farming. The machinery used was electric pumps and electric incubators.
The use of heavy equipment like tractors was insignificant and confined to some
big landowners.
Similarly, irrigation and the use of chemical fertilizers were confined to the
same groups. Some peasants had access to spring water in varying degrees but that
was limited and not always available depending on the amount of rainfall in a
specific year. As for manure, its use varied according to the variation in ownership
of livestock as will be discussed below. Even if available, it was frequently sold to
citrus growers or used as fuel by poor peasants.
Differential access to means of production can also be seen in the
ownership of work or plough animals. Data are available for villages in the two
subdistricts of Nablus and Tulkarm. In the two villages of Burqa and Sabastaya in
the Nablus subdistrict, the average number of work animals per household was 0.3
and 3.2, respectively.'’ This differential access to work animals characterized all
villages in the two subdistricts. The range of the number of work animals per
household for all villages in the Nablus subdistrict was calculated to be 0.3 to
5.3.'* Since these numbers are averages, it is safe to assume that the differential
ownership of work animals was a feature within villages.
‘Wenry Kendall, Village Development in Palestine During the Mandate
(London: Crown Agents for the Colonies, 1949), 44-50.
"Derived from Kendall by Kamen, 170; the same applies to the villages in the
Tulkarm subdistrict.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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