The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 275)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 275)
The size and the age composition of the family determines the extent of
labor available for production. Obviously, the larger the size of the family, the
greater the amount of land that could be cultivated. Alternatively, in cases where
family labor is more than sufficient for cultivating the land, a family member or
more can work outside for wages when and if available and thus provide extra
income for the family. The possibility of working for wages and the extent of
available labor for use on the household’s land are also determined by the age
composition of the family. The more there are family members of working age
relative to the total size of the family (dependency ratio), the greater the resources
available to the family. In Palestine, I assume that among the population engaged
in agriculture, that the better off a family was, the larger the size of the family,
generally speaking. In the Palestinian rural areas, as in other rural societies, there
was a high and equal birth rate among the different strata of the peasantry who
were undifferentiated in their cultural attitudes toward procreation and other
matters. The difference in family size derived from the variation in mortality rates
among the different strata. Given the time period under discussion, and in spite of
the relative improvement in health conditions, infant mortality was also determined
by access to different health services, nutrition, and quality of dwelling. Families
with more financial resources were better able to provide these conditions and thus
had lower mortality rates.
As for the characteristic of the holding, this involved its geographical
location, fertility, and kind of soil. The amount of rainfall varied substantially
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Riyad Mousa


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