The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 282)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 282)
of all families, and (b) those who owned between one and two feddans (120 to 240
dunums) numbered 1,604 families or 7 percent of all families.
The second group consisted of “owner-occupiers who also work as
laborers.” There were three subgroups in this group: (a) Those who owned
between one and two feddans numbered 1,657 families or 7 percent; (b) those who
owned less than one feddan numbered 8,396 families or about 36 percent; and
(c) 1,103 families or 5 percent who grew trees only were presumably on a
relatively smallholding. The last group was that of “laborers” who numbered 6,940
or 29 percent of the families in the 104 villages.
With the information now available from the 1931 Census, the Johnson-
Crosbie Report, and from our own inquiry into the developments in agriculture, we
are in a position to apply Patnaik’s categories to the Palestinian Arab peasantry.
First, there were those who cultivated citrus, bananas, and other cash crops
such as vegetables and fruits. These people were enumerated in the 1931 Census
except that for the noncitrus cash cropping there was no distinction between
growers and pickers. Nonetheless, and in spite of the lack of subsequent data on
the number of cash croppers, it can be definitely said that their share of
agricultural production and possibly their numbers have increased. The substantial
growth in cash cropping was shown in Chapter 4 whether in terms of area, output,
or value both relatively and absolutely. In turn, these developments must have
meant an increase in hired labor. The growers of cash crops did not themselves
engage in any manual labor. They relied on seasonal and permanent hired labor.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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