The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 302)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 302)
in what was seen as safer investments in buildings, construction, trade, and other
services. The ability to compete with the European capitalist “sector” was
marginal. Thus, the majority of the expropriated peasants could not but maintain
their presence in the rural areas, which still provided some level of subsistence
however depressed. There they also had some support, however limited, from the
extended family and their village community as a whole. Basically they survived
by one or a combination of sharecropping, wage labor if and when available, and
by borrowing more money, especially by those whose lands were not completely
expropriated. The latter could only increase the hold of merchant capital on the
rural areas.
Third, there was the role of merchant/moneylending capital. Lenin, in a
restatement of Marx’s views writes:
Merchant’s and usurer’s capital always historically precede the
formation of industrial capital and are logically the necessary
premise of its formation, but in themselves neither merchant capital
nor usurer’s capital represents a sufficient premise for the rise of
industrial capital (i.e., capitalist production); they do not always
disintegrate the old mode of production and replace it by the
capitalist mode of production; the formation of the latter “depends
entirely on the stage of historical development and on the given
circumstances. ”*8
Having established the relationship between merchant’s and industrial capital,
Lenin raises the question of whether the first is “being linked up” with the second
and gives a positive answer in the case of Russia. Without this linkage however,
“the independent development of merchant and usurer’s capital in our countryside
“Lenin, 185.
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Riyad Mousa


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