The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 312)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 312)
imposition of duties on cereals from other countries.
In spite of the increase in total agricultural production, the area and output
of cereals, the main source of subsistence for peasants remained basically the
same, while at the same time, the Arab population doubled. Besides the obvious
lack of intensification of production, that also meant that most peasants remained
dependent on extensive cereal cultivation to differing degrees. It also indicates that
at a time of increase in wage labor and cash cropping and the concentration of land
holdings that a process of differentiation was underway. The price increase during
WWII did not benefit all in the rural areas, and those who benefited did so in
varying degrees. The benefits from the price increase were determined by the
surplus available after satisfying the family’s subsistence needs. That, in turn,
depended on the size and nature of the land and crop, and the possession of other
means of production. Obviously, those who were landless or had no surplus
beyond their needs did not benefit from the price increase but actually were hurt
from it to the extent they had to purchase certain goods.
Although Arab agriculture showed the beginnings of development along
capitalist lines, it faced the competition from European settler agriculture (and
capitalism) that was heavily subsidized and primarily used intensive methods of
production. Accordingly, although European agricultural production was
increasingly linked to industry by using modern methods of processing and
packaging, the processing of agricultural products by Arabs employed primarily
basic traditional methods.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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