The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 318)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 318)
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. Supplement to Survey of Palestine. Jerusalem: Government Printer,
Graham-Brown, Sarah. Palestinians and Their Society, 1880-1946, London:
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. “The Political Economy of Jabal Nablus, 1920-48.” In Studies in the
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Granott, Avraham. The Land System in Palestine. London: Eyre and
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. Agrarian Reform and the Record of Israel. London: Eyre and
Spottisdale, 1956, as reproduced in Walid Khalidi, From Haven to
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Gurevich, David. Report and General Abstract of the Census of Jewish Agriculture,
Industry, and Handicrafts, and Labor. Jersalem: The Jewish Agency for
Palestine, 1931.
. Statistical Handbook of Jewish Palestine. Jerusalem: Jewish Agency for
Palestine, Department of Statistics, 1947.
Hadawi, Sami. Village Statistics 1945; A Classification of Land and Area
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Halevi, Nadav, and Ruth Klinov—Malul. The Economic Development of Israel.
New York: Praeger, 1968.
Harriss, John. “General Introduction.” Rural Development, Theories of Peasant
Economy and Agrarian Change. London: Hutchinson & Company, 1982.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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