Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 9)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 9)
47. Full-Time Family Workers by Sex and Agrarian Class
48. Part-Time Family Workers by Sex and Agrarian Class 298
49. Full-Time Day Labourers by Sex and Agrarian Class 299
50. Part-Time Day Labourers by Sex and Agrarian Class 299
51. Period of Employment of Seasonal Workers by Agrarian
Class 301
52. Residence of Day Labourers by Agrarian Class 302
53. Methods of Labour Recruitment by Agrarian Class 302
54. Total Regional Dunumage of types of Crops by Agrarian
Class 312
55. Dunumage of Different Vegetable Crops by Agrarian
Class 316
56. Dunumage of Fruit by Agrarian Class 318
97. Dunumage of Field Crops by Agrarian Class 320
28. Dunumage Double Cropped by Agrarian Class 321
59. Number of Farmers Double Cropping by Agrarian Class 322
60. Number of Dunums of Tomato by Agrarian Class 324
61. Number of Dunums of Eggplant by Agrarian Class 326
62. Number of Dunums of Courgette by Agrarian Class 327
63. Number of Dunums of Cucumber by Agrarian Class 328
64. Number of Dunums of Broad Bean by Agrarian Class 330
65. Number of Dunums of Sweet Corn by Agrarian Class 330
66. Number of Dunums of Hot Pepper by Agrarian Class 331
67. Number of Dunums of Bean by Agrarian Class 332
68. Number of Dunums of Melon by Agrarian Class 332
69. Number of Dunums of Jews Mallow by Agrarian Class 334
70. Number of Dunums of Sweet Pepper by Agrarian Class 334
71. Number of Dunums of Potato by Agrarian Class 335
. \
Alex Pollock


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