Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 15)
- عنوان
- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 15)
- المحتوى
This thesis largely has its roots in three contingent
academic and political interests which influenced my life and
future research orientation as a student of sociology. These
were: first, a perplexed interest in the traditional
Philosophies of science and social science and a constantly
increasing doubt about their ability to explain or even
comprehend the real problems of scientific practice; second.
an equally perplexed concern as a communist "militant" with
the problems of Marxist theory, methods and explanations of
social change in contemporary societies and: third, a Third
Worldist political commitment to "solidarity" with the anti-
imperialist and anti-colonialist strugggles of the peoples of
the underdeveloped southern continents. These seemingly
disparate concerns have finally been drawn together into a
theoretically articulated and descriptive discourse which
attempts to develop the methodological protocols for
analysing one contemporary Third World peasant community (in
the north Jordan Valley of the Occupied West Bank of
Jordan/the Central Highlands of Palestine) and its location
in the wider social formation by means of the categories and
concepts of a branch of academic Marxism.
The first chapter presents an outline and critique of
empiricist epistemology, ontology, causality and methodology
in an endeavour to demonstrate that it cannot sustain an
adequate and non-contradictory account of science nor propose
a relevant methodological foundation for scientific research.
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- المنشئ
- Alex Pollock
Position: 59881 (1 views)