Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 16)
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- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 16)
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I then propose the basic parameters of a realist alternative
to the empiricist account of science which operates with a
different set of epistemological, ontological, causal and
methodological assumptions from those developed by both
empiricism and positivism. Where empiricist epistemology is
based on a simple concept of experience, viz. immediate
sense-perception, realism develops a concept of experience
which is theoretically and experimentally mediated; where
empiricism presents a simple atomistic ontology based on the
concept of the empirical, realism presents a theory of
ontology which is stratified into the realms of the real, the
actual and the empirical: where empiricism presents a theory
of causality based on closed systems and regularity
determinism, realism grounds the account of causality on the
basis of open systems and the causal interplay of multiple
generative mechanisms: where empiricism and positivism
develop inductive and deductive methodologies, realism
develops a set of retroductive methodological protocols which
are at once theoretically and empirically grounded.
In Chapter 2 I undertake to reinterpret the concepts which
evolved from "the articulation of modes of production debate”
within the context of realist methodological protocols. In
order to achieve this, I describe and criticise the major
sources of the debate: the Indian mode of production debate;
the Althusserian school's rationalist/formalist reading of
Marx and; the Laclau-Frank debate. The key concepts of the
debate are "social formation", "modes of production" and
"articulation". I argue that the concept of mode of - تاريخ
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- المنشئ
- Alex Pollock
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