Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 17)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 17)
production should be interpreted ina restricted sense and
that we should consider the social formation as composed of a
multiplicity of causal structures and their interaction. I
also eschew any attempt to develop a globally structuralist
model of modes of production where the contours of the social
formation are seen as being largely determined by one law of
motion or one motor force in the system.
Chapter 3 demonstrates that the prevalent mode of production
in the region of the study is sharecropping which is. largely
involved in petty commodity production, although other forms
of non-exploitative modes of petty commodity production
(smallholding and farming—landlordism) coexist alongside this
mode of production. In this chapter I outline the different
modes of production in terms of their specific forms of
exploitation and juridical and economic ownership of the
means of production. I also look at the forms and extent of
landlordism in the region and the different patterns of
In Chapter 4 I demonstrate that all forms of production are
articulated to the national and international economy through
their formal subsumption to merchant/usurer capital. This
chapter also presents the position that exploitation through
unequal exchange is the form of exploitation most
systematically developed in the regional economy, 1.6.
exploitation of peasant producers is most intensive in the
spheres of the realisation of value/surplus product and the
circulation of commodities. In Chapter 5 I explain how
Alex Pollock


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