Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 18)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 18)
household subsistence production can operate as ameans of
increasing the level of exploitation in the different non-
capitalist modes of production through reducing the "costs"
of the reproduction of labour in the petty commodity
production sector of the family farm. Chapters 2-5 are the
most important chapters in terms of my attempt to reinterpret
the debate over the articulation of modes of production
within the parameters of a realist methodological
Chapter 6 is a largely descriptive account of the patterns of
crop production, exports and irrigation use. This chapter is
included since the empirical data contains much of the
information necessary to sustain the hypotheses I pose about
vegetable crop specialisation, export market dependency and
commoditisation of productive consumption in the peasant
economy under the impact of the "Green Revolution”.
Chapter 7 highlights the conditions of poverty and relative
deprivation among the different village communities in the
region by focusing on the problem of squatting and _ the
housing question. This chapter shows that the living
conditions of the region's peasantry are generally squalid
and overcrowded. The comparative level of regional poverty
and social deprivation is more marked than in the West Bank
as a whole.
Chapter 8 refers to one very specific development issue: the
problem of illiteracy. This chapter explores the
Alex Pollock


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