Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 19)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 19)
methodologically empirical possibilities of reconstructing
official statistics to measure the extent of illiteracy in
the West Bank. It also examines the problem and extent of
tlliteracy in the north Jordan Valley. The final section
considers two different strategic approaches to the
eradication of illiteracy: functional literacy and Freirian
literacy campaigns. This chapter explores some of the
problems of such campaigns and the potential for conducting
such strategies in the West Bank.
Finally, Chapter 9 attempts to move beyond the explanations
of poverty and underdevelopment generated from my realist
reinterpretation of the articulation of modes of production
debate to make some concrete suggestions about the form a
non-statist socialist development strategy could adopt under
the context of settler-colonialism and military occupation.
In order to approach this issue I look first at the
Political and economic limitations of development strategies
which have been pursued by international agencies and NGO's
in Third World countries, viz. community development, the
Green Revolution and Basic Needs or Basic Human Needs.
In undertaking this project I have incurred a wealth of
intellectual, material and personal debt. While it is not
possible to mention all those who have influenced me, I would
like to thank Graeme Hyslop, Jim Taylor, Jim McGoldrick,
Jamie McGoldrick and Irene Kay in Glasgow for their
stimulating discussions and criticisms during the earliest
phase of this project. On the West Bank I would like to thank
; 1
Alex Pollock


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