Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 22)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 22)
changed in many ways which are for present purposes of no
more than scholastic interest. Empiricism's main tenets) are
still intact although they are increasingly the subject of
challenge. It 1S now a commonplace complaint to state that
the pedagogy and research orientation of mainstream social
science has been dominated by the empiricist epistemological
tradition. (5) The main challenge to empiricist pedagogic and
research domination has come in the main from two
Philosophical fronts. These are rationalism and realism, to
apply very loose terms to the two most important critical
The rationalist interrogation of empiricism can be traced to
Kant and Spinoza in its modern form, and to Plato in its
ancient form. (6) In truth it goes even further back in the
ancient Greek philosophical tradition, e.g. to Parmenades.
Contemporary variants of the rationalist critique of
empiricism are to be found in the works of Althusser,
Bachelard. Kuhn and Lakatos. (7)
The realist interrogation of empiricism, on the other hand,
has a less extensive geneology. Contemporary variants are
presented under a barrage of amorphous terms, e.g. “realism”
(R. Harre and, R. Keat and J. Urry), "materialism" (T.
Benton), "transcendental realism" (R. Bhaskar) “empiricism—
rationalism" (N. Hanson) and "post-empiricism" (M. Hesse).
(8) Realism is not without some important historical
antecedents and may be "discovered" in a modern form in the
work of Marx and in an ancient form in the works of
Alex Pollock


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