Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 23)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 23)
Aristotle. (9)
Although there have been serious challenges to empiricism as
the principle paradigm of scientific epistemology and method,
it is without doubt the ubiquitous "“knowledge-form'" of our
subjective experience of the world. This knowledge-form is
more extensive than scientific knowledge and is a "formal"
conception of knowledge construction which grounds common
sense and practical understanding of the events, phenomena
and actions of both the social and natural world. It is a
laypersons knowledge which is often "correct" but is just as
often wrong. (10)
To summarize what is subsequent, I shall consider empiricism
from a number of points through the prism of certain concepts
which are critical to its logical coherence. These are: the
manner in which empiricism conceives experience or
observation; its inductivist model of explanation; its
ontology of atomic events/facts; and, finally, its notion of
The Empiricist Concept of Experience
Empiricist epistemology has its principium in the concept of
observation, experience, sensation or any surrogate for these
basic terms. (11) The empiricist theory of knowledge begins
with the sound Lockean and materialist principle that
knowledge of any particular external reality is possible only
if we have some type of experiential or observational
Alex Pollock


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