Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 24)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 24)
purchase on that reality. (12) The context in which Locke
registered this particular point was in order to combat forms
of a priorism which attempted to argue that we could have
knowledge independent of, or prior to, experience which could
simultaneously be informative about the world. However, in
the vulgar empiricist variant, there is an elision of this
sound judgement and it is argued that since knowledge of any
particular external reality must have an experiential or
observational datum then observation, experience or sensation
is the singular determinant of knowledge and by extension
science. (13)
Observation/experience/sensation is the principal concept of
the empiricist account of scientific knowledge. The vulgar
empiricist conception of experience differentiates it from
other accounts of scientific knowledge. (14) This account 15s
grounded in the Humean maxim which asserts that: "there is
nothing in our intellect which has not entered through the
senses." (15) An elementary reading of child psychology or
cultural anthropology unequivocally demonstrates that the
observation/experience of objects 1s not an immediate
experience but is, by and large, mediated through a socio—
biographical—-historical socialization process. A process
through which the observational and experiential mode of
relating to phenomena is learned. (16) Vulgar empiricists
take no cognisance of this established fact. S/he works with
a very simple model of wo/man as a passive receptor
sensations - i.e. observation/experience 1s conceived in @
very restrictive manner — from external objects, i.e. events,
Alex Pollock


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