Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 25)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 25)
Phenomena. actions, etc. In this model wo/man receives the
"given" through her/his senses. (17) Here perception is not
apperception. This model requires a correspondingly naive
psychological theory of perception which does not take us
very far from a restrictive behaviourist psychology which
postulates human actions and thoughts as responses to
external stimuli. Here the relation of epistemology to
ontology is projected through the filter of an associationist
psychology. This type of psychology links the external object
to the experience of a passive subject uncontaminated by
preconception. The reception is determined by the nature of
the object and not by cultural forms "embedded" in the
receiver. (18) This particular epistemology logically entails
a particular ontology, i.e. one in which there is a one-to-
one correspondence between sensations and objects. (19) Thus,
in order for objects to be perceived passively in the form of
sensations the objects themselves must be simple or at least
compounded of simple or atomistic elements which can be
related directly in the form of the sensations of a receptive
Subject. (20) We shall not dwell on this for the moment as
we shall discuss the implicit atomist ontology of empiricism
in the following section. Suffice for the moment to bear in
mind that, for the empiricist, the world is made up of simple
elements which can be received as given to experience.
particular form of this doctrine can be found in the work of
Ernest Mach — one of the group active around the Vienna
Circle -— who argues that all objects, whether physical or
psychological, can be broken down into complexes of
sensational elements, and thus the ultimate reduced means of
Alex Pollock


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